An Other Way Workshops

Do you want to be more creative?

Are you feeling stuck or blocked?

Do you want to call yourself an artist?

If you don't know where to begin our workshops can help you.


An Other Way workshops are designed by KJ Bell to give you tools and techniques to help you unlock your own creative potential. Using information synergized from multiple sources, mixed in with his own experiences and missteps, KJ will help guide you to a place where you can feel more comfortable calling yourself an artist. In these workshops you will begin to live a more creative life. Scroll down to explore our different workshops. Want to know what you might be in for? Check out episodes of the "An Other Way Podcast" here

Upcoming Workshops

Join the AOW Meetup Group to get notified about LA area workshops. Join us every other Sunday  for the regular AOW: Living a Creative Life, basic workshop.


Workshop Offerings

An Other Way: Living a Creative Life

Our basic workshop. Join KJ Bell for a workshop focused on expanding your creativity. We'll talk about identifying your art and what you want out of it. We'll explore ways to begin practicing it and how to dig deeper into it. Come prepared to explore ways to get to know yourself more, and why that is crucial to your art. Explore how to live a more creative life.

An Other Way: Musically Speaking

A masterclass built around AOW concepts. KJ Bell with work with musicians of any instrument or genre. Using his musical background and the ideas cultivated through his creativity work, he will help you get to gain a new grasp on your musical capabilities.

Other workshops are in development. Subscribe to our newsletter in the footer below to receive updates!

Want to bring "An Other Way" to your area? Visit our contact page.